Saturday, June 7, 2014

My backstory

I am a mother, a teacher,  and a writer. Each of these are my full time jobs. So why, you might wonder am I adding blogger to my list? It really is quite simple. A few years ago, someone important in my life, pointed out that I loved my hobby of creative writing and if that is what I wanted to write professionally, then I should take the time and learn how to do it.

After some pondering, I decided to do just that- to start on this journey from hobby to professional. It has been a long journey and one that for the most part, I have taken alone. I spent hours reading about the "right" way to wright a novel. I read articles on writing fiction. I spent hours reading other blogs and websites, all trying to learn from the experts. As I was doing all this learning, I was also crafting what will be my first published novel. More details will be coming soon!

At times, I became frustrated because it seemed all but impossible to find  answers to my questions, one that I believe others who want to self-publish will have. For example, everything I have read strongly suggests for you use a professional editor, but very few give you any information or a starting point of where to find one, especially one who is affordable and willing to work with indie authors.

About a year ago, I told myself that if I actually ever figured this whole self-publishing world out, or at least enough to publish at least this one novel then I wanted to find a way to share some of what I have learned with others who are on this same journey- hence, my blog.

My first tip, is to READ! Read the "rock stars" of your genre and read new authors, read best sellers and even read some flops- why? Because they are the real experts, so learn from them. If you read enough in your genre of choice, you will start to notice trends and patterns.  However, while it is true a person can write anything they want, if you want to be successful even in self-publishing, you should take some time and learn what is and is not going to be acceptable in your genre of choice.

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